1·That guy won't be able to win the election unless he gets some majority vote from women students.
2·That is a very good thing, he adds: after all, the Tory party spent more than a decade testing to destruction the idea that it could win by rallying its core vote.
3·According to Nyan Win, Suu Kyi said that people should not vote in the upcoming election if they have no party to support in the absence of her National League for Democracy (NLD) party.
4·But if it wants to win the vote it might help to show shareholders that the deal is less about destiny and more about creating a cash cow.
5·He thought a win in Florida would propel him into Super Tuesdayon February 5th when over 20 states vote.
6·Public opinion polls indicate Dmitri Medvedev will win handily in the first round. Muscovite Andrei Borodin intends to vote for him.
7·The Diet will vote for a new prime minister on Tuesday, and Fukuda is expected to win because the LDP controls a stable majority in the Lower House.
8·If you give me your vote, we won't just win this election — together, we will change this country and change the world.
9·This strategy is likely to win the vote of those in Israel who are seeking change.
10·My head count indicated we would win in the committee by a single vote, but only if all our votes showed up.